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Aug 11, 2023

This school sucks

I have had good support form one staff member in particular who has been trying to help My daughter who has been struggling emotionally, My previous experience with my Son was not as good, they kicked him out as he was too hard to deal with, (He has Autism) passing the problem onto someone else is lazy. They have now excluded my daughter too with no care for how their actions will affect her mental health. The principal is not to be trusted and takes the easy option of passing "the problem" onto another school to deal with. I am disgusted with the treatment and warn anyone who has a child with learning or mental health issues to steer well clear of this dumpster of a school.
Jun 30, 2023

Do Not Send Your Daughters Here

Please do not send your daughters here

This school protects burgeoning predators under the he said she said boys will be boys propaganda. And then blame the children that were the victims. And on top of that the staff is quite toxic with body shaming and homophobia and of course when complaints were made the issues were swept under the rug. And then your daughter will be a target, Please do not send your daughters here.
Mar 12, 2023


The learning experience gets better in the later years but unfortunately some kids don't. The only problem I'd have of this school is how much time does get wasted during tutor classes, and how many "gangster" like kids there are.
I had a group of kids in my class who would constantly harass students and teachers, disrupting everyone's learning, and nothing was done about it. I regret to say my early years were not fun. And I'm disappointed I feel I didn't get to look forward to coming to a welcoming friendly class each day. I did not feel safe coming to school.
Former Student
Mar 2, 2023

Rutherford college

Rutherford college

the school will not do anything if you report a teacher for being racist etc
they don't care about bullying
they waste their time telling off kids about their appearance such as hair colour, jewelry, shoes and piercings
Mar 2, 2023



some of the teachers are horrible some being extremely racist, sexist transphobic and not to mention the amount of pedofile teachers.
Feb 19, 2023

Rutherford County

Great school sports wise, (which I'm highly interested in) I hear if you're academic it's also a good school but I can't say much about that personally. The only downside is, like most other schools, the bathrooms suck. Apparently they're all getting newly renovated but I still don't know.
Most teachers are decent and yeah, come to Rutherford to fly in thenV-Formatiob I guess
Former Student
Feb 14, 2023


This is the worst school by far DO NOT send you kids here
I just graduated from Rutherford College I was bullied to the point that I nearly killed myself I was physically bullied and I was sexualy asalted at school I tried telling the teachers I was dismissed it is not good for nerodiverse kids or for people with disability aids
Former Student
Feb 25, 2021

brainwashed me

I used to love Rutherford because I was ignorant of what really happened to people who didn’t fit the status quo and fed so many one-liners by staff who made it seem like Rutherford was the best of the best :/ i graduated in 2018 and honestly wish i didn’t waste my time there.

There are better options out there, I feel guilty for promoting it in the past... I have become a better and more mature person and now I see the horrors
Feb 25, 2021


terrible support if your a minority or have any mental illnesses/disorders, slurs and bigoted comments are protected but never any student that suffers at the hands of not only poorly brought up children, but staff who overstep their lane and abuse power, talk badly about students behind their backs to other staff and other students. counsellors are judgemental and poorly equipped for people who have problems beyond “homework is stressful”. individuality in terms of progressive views or appearance is shunned severely even though they admit that the dress code is outdated and wrong, just too lazy to change anything. disgusting in certain areas like near drains where trash piles up and bathrooms that have broken locks and empty toilet bowls that get clogged anyways. if you value kindness and growth, rutherford is not for you. if you like to bully others and get away with it over the course of your entire highschool years, if you like to be treated with no respect or kindness by certain teachers who hate ‘problem children’, if you like hypocrisy, its great
Feb 25, 2021

just bad

subjects and how they’re taught really depend on who is teaching, some teachers are plain mean and lack compassion, plenty of staff-room trash talks about students, kids!! if you are a minority, you will realise quickly that you are not very welcome by some deans and many other students as bullying and bigotry is rampant and never dealt with even if the issue is brought directly to staff. there is always trash on the ground, always a disgusting bathroom with many broken locks. not to mention prices of the tuck shop are borderline scams, imagine trying to make heavy profit from children that have no choice but to be there. school counsellors are horrible, cannot deal with students who actually have mental disorders or illnesses and WILL judge you if you have issues beyond “homework stresses me out” I strongly advise you go to help outside of school. at rutherford college, you are not allowed to be an individual with strong beliefs or experiment with ones appearance although they themselves have admitted that the dress code is outdated and wrong, they’re just too lazy to change it. but, if you want to say racial and homophobic slurs or comments, feel free, they will protect you.
Oct 17, 2020

cool school

very cool school, love the staff.
hate the soccer kids, they think they’re entitled to everything and they judge everyone at the school <3
Sep 12, 2020

Bleh (:

Just like any other public school - the bathrooms are awful and the student council never listens to us but that’s okay (:
Sep 6, 2020

rutherford college

honestly it’s alright if your a academic child. most teachers aren’t supportive or encouraging at all overall would definitely make this school a last choice on a list. also school bathrooms are always gross the school gym toilet doors don’t even close. they also don’t handle bullying at all or seem to care about it they would rather send students out of class to get a uniform pass for coloured hair or spend there class time telling students to take off jewellery rather than actually teach they don’t seem to leave very much room for students to grow as there own person or express themselves in any way you can have more than one piercing no different hair colours like come on at this age you can’t not expect teenagers to want and get all these things nor does the school encourage personal growth and development in any ways shapes or forms they allow the girls to wear the boys shorts and pants but boys aren’t allowed to wear the girls skirt which is very hypocritical and doesn’t make it “equal” for everyone.
Aug 31, 2020

Rutherford College

I think the school has some great teachers who help kids and do a lot for us with our schoolwork. But their is a lot of disgraceful and ridiculous bullying culture within the school from students, I've heard many racist derogatory comments towards a lot of people in my school. Their have been physical fights drugs and alcohol abuse in school and the guidance councilors are terrible they dont listen and never give good advice which has lead to not only the deaths of students but the possibility of more deaths.
Aug 26, 2020

Awesome School

Amazing school with kind staff and a very friendly principal. The school has a great balcence between the cultural, sporty and academic sides of learning and manages to make every day fun and entertaining.
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Gary Moore
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