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Sep 18, 2024

Bad school

I do not like the school it is harmful to people.
Jun 25, 2024

I hate this place.

this school is really bad, I'm sitting in ako right COLORING in right now. This is year 1 work not high school work bruh why am I wasting my time coloring in when I could be learning helpful things.

and now we aren't allowed to use the bathrooms during class times??? that's denying basic human rights like I don't need YOUR permission to use the toilet, I'm going when I need to. like do you want me to pee on the floor? okay!!!!

like don't come in here, thinking you run the place then tell a reliever that no students are to leave the class and are NOT, I repeat are NOT allowed to use the bathrooms at any circumstance. like shut up you Christopher Luxon worshipers omds nobody cares if I need to pee I'm leaving this stupid class TO GO PEE.

the bathrooms aren't even available at break because ONE, they barricade this school up like we're dogs and SECONDLY everyone is in the toilets vaping. so how do you expect me to use the bathroom when its always occupied or unreachable??????

this school doesn't even care about the safety of the students, there was some guy going around and touching girls, parents and students asked to pull up the security cameras for proof and the school hasn't done anything, that student is STILL attending this school.

but they care if you have ONE none uniform clothing on, because that's so much more important than the saftey and wellbeing of the students in this school.

rolleston college advocates for accepting yourself, being a safe space and a school where they encourage you to be your best. BUT THEY DONT. this school doesn't care, more than half the teachers do not care. in fact I don't think half these teachers are qualified to be teaching high school level education. why am I still doing primary school work in year 10???

"above national average" is probably one of the biggest lies this school can ever tell you, more than half the people attending this school get graded multi-structural or below. what about that screams national average?

in my numeracy class, we got a new teacher at the start of term 2, during that time I have learned NOTHING. my numeracy teacher told us to work on a booklet that we have been doing since that start of the year and calls it a day. and if not that then we are playing games. what am I learning? nothing!!!

we had an assessment coming up, and we were told to look for the page ourselves to learn about e.g fractions or decimals. I'm not learning anything from a stupid book, she is barely involved with the class and I swear she has something against all the girls in my class.

and in literacy we have been doing the exact same thing for the whole year, no switch ups nothing new, literally just writing stories or a fake email.

the principal has no idea what's going on in her own head, shes in her own little world, she says shes going to make good changes and then the school just gets worse.

they say that students have a voice at Rolleston college but when we try to speak up and all of a sudden they become deaf.

this school is so bad the language courses have to make their own plans because the school's education system is SO bad.

don't send your child here, the education sucks, the teachers are pressed all the time and all the students are disrespectful, skip class and are rude to teachers and other students.
Apr 9, 2024

my honest rolleston college review 2.0

this school is so bad, the learning is horrible some teachers don't even know how to teach all they do is read off a slide show and expect you to do the rest of the work by yourself, I learn more on my PHONE which CHRISTOPHER LUXON banned then I do in an actual lesson at school, like who hired these teachers??? from the slums??? its like they don't even know how to teach, and its putting MY learning at risk and I could be failing all because this stupid teacher doesn't know how to explain and all they can do is read off a slide show like an NPC.

the open classes do not work, its so hard to focus on your work, especially when the teacher is talking when there is a whole zoo surrounding you and also there is so many people just walking through your class and being disruptive, the only way to avoid this is by going into a breakout space where you are less likely to get the teachers assistance. but now the break out spaces are being used for the teachers offices so those are now unavailable and if we need to do a recording for school work we have to do it during break or after school because filming in class will be too loud and there are no more quiet spaces available because the teachers took our break out spaces.

I also disagree with the way they set up the bathrooms, not only is it small and cramped but people go in there and do the dirty and squirty (you can HEAR them) they also go into the bathrooms in groups and vape making the bathrooms unusable for other students. and I hate sharing the bathroom with the boys because there is always piss all over the toilet seat and it stinks.

next is the uniform, first of all who chose the junior uniforms? I am ashamed to come to school in the junior uniform EVERYDAY, like this school is so embarrassing, please change the junior uniform you are making it a disgrace to be year 9 and 10. its also very uncomfortable especially for female junior students because the shirts are tight and the sleeves are short making it dig into your armpits and not only that, the skirt is not even adjustable, it turns around every 0000000000.5 seconds and you cant even turn it back around because the fabric sticks onto you when its really hot, you cant even adjust it to your waist size if the skirt is too big then you have to roll it up which creates these big lumps which are sometimes uncomfortable.

the most useless class is ako, like they say we learn and get skills but its honestly the most hated class and I cry myself to sleep every time I see I have it first block. in my 2 years here I have NOT learned a single thing in ako except how to use a condom. ako should just be like a study block for Juniors or a catch up class, because doing the quest work is such a waste of time when I have other assignments to be worrying about.

and in the library we aren't even allowed to eat, like I get it because some kids here are very messy but if its a food that is NOT messy we should be allowed to eat because when its a rainy day or a really cold day I'm not just going to miss out on eating (because the teachers complain during class time when we eat) because the teachers have a heart attack if I pull out food in the library.

AND we should be allowed in side in classes when its break especially during winter as it gets so cold, the uniform is NOT warm enough meanwhile the teachers have a nice warm coffee and THICK puffer jackets telling us to get out while we basically freeze to death, like shut up you cant say anything when you are nice and warm meanwhile I have to be outside in the cold, not only that usually when its cold its also very windy and the library is almost ALWAYS full when the weather is like that, some classes should just be open (with a teacher monitoring the area).

we have been learning about the treaty of waitangi since year 1 all the way into high school, I'm sick of learning it and no one wants to do it anymore, its repetitive and a waste of time when we could be learning day to day life skills that will be more useful to me in the future.

AND talking about future, we shouldn't be graded on p.e, like Harvard wont accept me just because of how fast I can run and how active I am. p.e should be optional, and its even worse when its winter, because the p.e uniform is so thin and you always freeze to death. not only that but half the p.e teachers only ever do the sports the boys want and if they choose netball or something they change literally all the rules so its not even netball anymore. in general p.e isn't fun. AND SOME TEACHERS really need to realize, when we have a NOTE saying we WONT be participating (e.g sick, injured) to NOT make us participate??? like that's the whole point of the note or are you just that petty,

assigned seats. I hate assigned seats, why? because the teachers ALWAYS gives us assigned seats for no reason. we arent disrupting the class or anything, like just move the people making the noise?? why do you have to REARRANGE the WHOLE class?? and then complain how much time it took, like YOU were the one who decided to have assigned seats its not that hard to move the disruptive people.......
the rest of the class shouldn't be punished for the actions of like two people.

cafe prices. tell me WHY its going up, like I don't have a job you think I just have $9687984353 pocket money laying around. why are SINGLE biscuits 5 whole dollars like... SCAMMER, what a rip off. like do you think we are getting payed to come to school? no what's wrong with you, bring the prices down like why is it so expensive. ESPECIALLY now that they've banned phones (you can paywave through your phone). no one barely has cash anymore and just have their money on the phone why cant we use our phones to pay, you're getting the money either way...

AND this school is SO unprofessional. my mom contacted them asking for me to change akos and other classes and for 5 months they did NOT reply, my attendance was going down all because admin was too lazy to change my schedule. WHICH one of my teachers did in 0.5 seconds. they need to stop being so unorganized and get ahead of stuff and help people PROPERLY. and I'm calling out Nigel Wall. he didn't respond after the third email, he even SAID he's gonna change it but he didn't, please fire him he does nothing good for this school.

also we are unable to do any of our work because the school blocked basically EVERY website. And they always choose stupid songs for our bell its like they dont even listen to the students request. Like why am i listening to the cocomelon intro 500 times a day.

They always overwork us, tell me why we are doing 540972 other unrelated tasks in class and then the last 5 minutes we have a 50 slide show to complete. Like just skip the unimportant bits, especially if the task is due that day?? it's a waste of time and the teachers get mad at us for not finishing the work, like my bad gang, its not my fault I had to do 357927+ side quests just to get to the main one.

the kids attending this school are just VILE, like did they crawl out of the depths of the earth??? or is it the school air because I am extremely concerned.

this school is a disgrace, DO NOT send your child here unless you want them to be a druggy or if you want them to be stupid OR have extreme PTSD from this school.
this school is a danger zone, a nuclear hazard.

I swear these people were lab tests, they are NOT real. your kid will be ruined forever, so just move out of rolleston as a whole because this place is terrible and filled with rude and disrespectful people (the school).
like this place was my downfall!!!!!!!

I would give -2897564876 review if I could but I cant, so have a one star, this place is like a prison cell but for serial killers. being on death row would be better than attending this school.
Apr 7, 2024

Rolleston college is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:))

This school is so GOOD!!! The teachers are so positive they read off the slideshow and I just automatically get all the information and not only that we all get along when we vape together in the bathrooms and let no one else use the toilet.

I'm just so happy when all the students are punching each other and having a great time at break <3 Please send your kids here we welcome future criminals with open arms!!:)

The teachers are so good at their jobs they over work us so well just like those kids working at Shein!! Your kids will have so thrive at this school. They will leave here not wanting to end their life!!!
Apr 2, 2024

Rolleston college needs be shut done :)

This school is the worst school in Rolleston. People may think Rolleston College Is great but it isn't and that is the true. The school is over packed with students and teachers. They make new buildings just for them to get taken down. MAYBE JUST MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T LET ALL THE SMELLY YUCKY YEAR 9S INTO THE SCHOOL WE'D HAVE MORE SPACE. They take up all the spaces and we have no were to hangout or to learn. The class rooms are crowded and to loud to focus and we can't even go into a breakout space because all of the silly teachers have taken over them and most of the time the breakout spaces are locked. I was trying to do my math assessment the other day and I couldn't even focus with all the background noise in the background. And do not get me started on the cafe prices I am not trying to get a mince and cheese pie for 6.20 that is outrageous!!! Everything is so over price and I'm just trying to buy some food because I forgot my lunch at home and what is this stuff about not being able to use your phone to pay like what happens if I forgot my card and I have no cash on me and my only option is to pay with my phone. The school uniform is uncomfy and so unflattering and school uniform isn't for looks but it doesn't look any neater with the skirt sticking to me the top also sticking to me and half of the students don't even wear the right uniform. Teachers say they will stop bullying but they do nothing if there is a fight they just stand there and scream at each other to get off. Teachers are more worried about students wearing the wrong colour socks while there is student ditching class, having sex In the bathroom (btw you can hear them), students go in the bathrooms in groups to have a vape sessions and I can't even go to the bathroom when I need to pee because there all being used for the wrong reason. The teachers don't know how to do there job properly and they need to go back to school and learn how to teach me important stuff that I will actually need in my life not like some stupid podcast. Thanks you for reading much love xoxoxox.
Mar 28, 2024

my very honest review for rolleston college

this school is so bad, the learning is horrible some teachers don't even know how to teach all they do is read off a slide show and expect you to do the rest of the work by yourself, I learn more on my PHONE which CHRISTOPHER LUXON banned then I do in an actual lesson at school, like who hired these teachers??? from the slums??? its like they don't even know how to teach, and its putting MY learning at risk and I could be failing all because this stupid teacher doesn't know how to explain and all they can do is read off a slide show like an NPC.

the open classes do not work, its so hard to focus on your work, especially when the teacher is talking when there is a whole zoo surrounding you and also there is so many people just walking through your class and being disruptive, the only way to avoid this is by going into a breakout space where you are less likely to get the teachers assistance. but now the break out spaces are being used for the teachers offices so those are now unavailable and if we need to do a recording for school work we have to do it during break or after school because filming in class will be too loud and there are no more quiet spaces available because the teachers took our break out spaces.

I also disagree with the way they set up the bathrooms, not only is it small and cramped but people go in there and do the dirty and squirty (you can HEAR them) they also go into the bathrooms in groups and vape making the bathrooms unusable for other students. and I hate sharing the bathroom with the boys because there is always piss all over the toilet seat and it stinks.

next is the uniform, first of all who chose the junior uniforms? I am ashamed to come to school in the junior uniform EVERYDAY, like this school is so embarrassing, please change the junior uniform you are making it a disgrace to be year 9 and 10. its also very uncomfortable especially for female junior students because the shirts are tight and the sleeves are short making it dig into your armpits and not only that, the skirt is not even adjustable, it turns around every 0000000000.5 seconds and you cant even turn it back around because the fabric sticks onto you when its really hot, you cant even adjust it to your waist size if the skirt is too big then you have to roll it up which creates these big lumps which are sometimes uncomfortable.

the most useless class is ako, like they say we learn and get skills but its honestly the most hated class and I cry myself to sleep every time I see I have it first block. in my 2 years here I have NOT learned a single thing in ako except how to use a condom. ako should just be like a study block for Juniors or a catch up class, because doing the quest work is such a waste of time when I have other assignments to be worrying about.

and in the library we arent even allowed to eat, like I get it because some kids here are very messy but if its a food that is NOT messy we should be allowed to eat because when its a rainy day or a really cold day I'm not just going to miss out on eating (because the teachers complain during class time when we eat) because the teachers have a heart attack if I pull out food in the library.

AND we should be allowed in side in classes when its break especially during winter as it gets so cold, the uniform is NOT warm enough meanwhile the teachers have a nice warm coffee and THICK puffer jackets telling us to get out white we basically freeze to death, like shut up you cant say anything when you are nice and warm meanwhile I have to be outside in the cold, not only that usually when its cold its also very windy and the library is almost ALWAYS full when the weather is like that, some classes should just be open (with a teacher monitoring the area).

we have been learning about the treaty of waitangi since year 1 all the way into high school, I'm sick of learning it and no one wants to do it anymore, its repetitive and a waste of time when we could be learning day to day life skills that will be more useful to me in the future.

AND talking about future, we shouldn't be graded on p.e, like Harvard wont accept me just because of how fast I can run and how active I am. p.e should be optional, and its even worse when its winter, because the p.e uniform is so thin and you always freeze to death. not only that but half the p.e teachers only ever do the sports the boys want and if they choose netball or something they change literally all the rules so its not even netball anymore. in general p.e isn't fun. AND SOME TEACHERS really need to realize, when we have a NOTE saying we WONT be participating (e.g sick, injured) to NOT make us participate??? like that's the whole point of the note or are you just that petty,

assigned seats. I hate assigned seats, why? because the teachers ALWAYS gives us assigned seats for no reason. we arent disrupting the class or anything, like just move the people making the noise?? why do you have to REARRANGE the WHOLE class?? and then complain how much time it took, like YOU were the one who decided to have assigned seats its not that hard to move the disruptive people.......
the rest of the class shouldn't be punished for the actions of like two people.

cafe prices. tell me WHY its going up, like I don't have a job you think I just have $9687984353 pocket money laying around. why are SINGLE biscuits 5 whole dollars like... SCAMMER, what a rip off. like do you think we are getting payed to come to school? no what's wrong with you, bring the prices down like why is it so expensive. ESPECIALLY now that they've banned phones (you can paywave through your phone). no one barely has cash anymore and just have their money on the phone why cant we use our phones to pay, you're getting the money either way...

AND this school is SO unprofessional. my mom contacted them asking for me to change akos and other classes and for 5 months they did NOT reply, my attendance was going down all because admin was too lazy to change my schedule. WHICH one of my teachers did in 0.5 seconds. they need to stop being so unorganized and get ahead of stuff and help people PROPERLY. and I'm calling out Nigel Wall. he didn't respond after the third email, he even SAID he's gonna change it but he didn't, please fire him he does nothing good for this school.

also we are unable to do any of our work because the school blocked basically EVERY website. And they always choose stupid songs for our bell its like they dont even listen to the students request. Like why am i listening to the cocomelon intro 500 times a day.

They always overwork us, tell me why we are doing 540972 other unrelated tasks in class and then the last 5 minutes we have a 50 slide show to complete. Like just skip the unimportant bits, especially if the task is due that day?? it's a waste of time and the teachers get mad at us for not finishing the work, like my bad gang, its not my fault I had to do 357927+ side quests just to get to the main one.

the kids attending this school are just VILE, like did they crawl out of the depths of the earth??? or is it the school air because I am extremely concerned.

this school is a disgrace, DO NOT send your child here unless you want them to be a druggy or if you want them to be stupid OR have extreme PTSD from this school.
this school is a danger zone, a nuclear hazard.

I swear these people were lab tests, they are NOT real. your kid will be ruined forever, so just move out of rolleston as a whole because this place is terrible and filled with rude and disrespectful people (the school).

I want a YouTube apology with tears and addressed to me specifically, like this place was my downfall!!!!!!!

I would give -2897564876 review if I could but I cant, so have a one star, this place is like a prison cell but for serial killers. being on death row would be better than attending this school.

I even have to send this review at home BECAUSE the school blocked me from signing in, they want us to be silenced.
Former Student
Dec 9, 2023

A lot of work to be done

I have attended Rolleston College for 5 years, and I can say that many aspects need a lot of work. First one is the education for year 9s and 10s. Remembering back, I can say it felt rather lacklustre, I did not learn much that could be considered meaningful. I understand that year 9 and 10 are designed to help students decide what they find interesting to study in later years, but I feel that they need to delve into the actually interesting parts of the topics, to make the topics seem more interesting.

The next is how the school treats the students. We were treated are like children, even year 12s and 13s. Some teachers did treat us like adults, however the school rules and some teachers did make me feel like they saw me as no more than an annoying 8 year old. The wall murals look like they should be in a primary school the way they are designed. They also block off certain pathways at the end of the block, meaning if you want to go to a certain part of the school at this time, you are required to give a reason or else you cannot access it. This was the cause of a lot of frustration.

Communication was poor, with many students learning about events that they may be interested in, or even required to do on the day before, or maybe even on the day, with it being hidden in the notices that some teachers don't bother reading.

My final negative is the building itself. I understand that the school has very little say on the design of the building, but it needs to be said. The open plan design of the building is one of the most frustrating parts of the school, as it means that of a student from another nearby class is being distracting, they are distracting more than their own class because all nearby classes can hear them too. This also makes it hard to take tests, because there are no walls to muffle difficult students.

Ako class was a bit of a joke, it's supposed to teach skills like the school values and internet safety, and I can tell you that not a single one of my friends cared for the values, nor considered them when making decisions, as they are a bit of a timewaster

I did have some positive experiences. I was almost never bullied over all 5 years, I had developed some positive relationships with a handful of teachers, and had many interesting opportunities that I am very thankful for being able to participate in.
Nov 5, 2023

rolleston college is great.

Rolleston college is a awful school because the teachers are understanding. The teachers are always grumpy for no reason. You get suspended for the silliest reasons without even trying to fix the problem with the student or the parents. The teachers aren't supportive of the students except for a few teachers. The uniform is uncomfy and not warm. Teachers don't listen to the students' ideas/ feedback. You get yelled at for the stupidest and silliest reason ever. Please don't send you children unless they have committed an awful crime because it is a prison literally Thanks. Too many eshays who think the run the place. The food is overpriced. Thanks you for your time and again i warn you DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILDREN HERE UNLESS YOUR TRYING TO GET THEM KILLED:)
Sep 13, 2023

Bad School

principal is really obese
Sep 13, 2023

Horrible School

They took my break away for walking through a hallway which is a hallway which leads to class. Horrible school wouldn’t recommend to any student
Aug 24, 2023

Worst school.

I've been to many schools but this is by far the worst school I have EVER been to. The amount of bullying at this school is INSANE! Even for one day if you are ever sitting alone you immediately get bullied and harrased sometimes even physically bullied! The teachers do not care about it. The school is so focused on NCEA but don't care to help you as much as you can to get you to pass and some teachers hardly ever come to you or ask if you need help if your a quiet kid.
Mar 12, 2023


Not great staff, and they don’t sort out problems properly.

Not very good staff and they don’t know how to handle problems right. Children are odd too
Former Student
Mar 4, 2023

You don’t learn anything

The education is so bad, you don’t learn anything at all. The one year i was there we had two math lessons, both on shapes.
Feb 10, 2023

Rolleston College

I transfer to Rolleston College last year in term 3 and it been great everyone is kind all of the teacher aides are kind and want to help you to achieve your goals
Feb 10, 2023

Amazing school 5/5 love it

5/5 great school teaches well and will make sure if your lost youll get to the right place
Feb 1, 2023

Good school

Good school but definitely takes some getting used to. Year 9 and 10 system is awesome for adjusting from primary to high school while simultaneously letting you discover what you enjoy. Can be a bit crowded and loud but the teachers care about our achievements and help us achieve our goals.
Jan 20, 2023

It was okay.

I didn't enjoy my time at this school. The open learning environment doesn't work for everyone, and unfortunately i was one of those people that it wouldn't work out for. I saw a decline in my grades due to this because the classrooms were too crowded and over flowing with students. You could go out to a break out space, however, that always meant that I'd get less teacher assistance. I felt like i always had to make a compromise between being able to cope with so many people around OR having teacher assistance when i needed it. Aside from that, you get an array of good and confusing teachers. Sometimes classes have multiple teachers who give conflicting information causing confusion among students. One teacher will say one thing and the other will say something else. I just feel trapped sometimes.
Dec 30, 2022

Very bad

The teachers barely teach anything, in year 9 we were learning things from year 6. And they have stupid rules and they are absolutely horrible at organising things. The food in the cafe isn't too bad, but it tastes very artificial. There are some good teachers, but most don't even care about anything. There are fights pretty much every day, and people vape but the teachers don't do anything about it.
Nov 21, 2022

bad school

This school is worse than when you eat taco bell and need to go to the toilet
Aug 4, 2022

Rolleston College Review

It's a good school but some students are not. They Smoke, Vape and do all sorts of stupid things. They tend to ditch class very often and not do what is required of them. Thankfully the school has reinforced rules and are now being more tough with the students in terms of disciplining them without physically harming them. Police show up often because students can't seem to keep their hands to themselves, the school has managed to find a simpler solution to this problem and just calling the police straight up.
Jun 7, 2022

such a great school (if u cant tell im being sarcastic)

Wtf is this shit place bloody angry teaachers yelling at u for a small thing and the responce to bullying is absolutley shit
Apr 12, 2022

Stupid school

School has rules like an idiot teachers are pissy all of the time, too many druggy twats at the school all the teachers care about is how you pass NCEA when you get bullied they don't care but if you talk sh*t you get suspended. This school needs to grow up and get their head out of their asses and stop acting like a dumb ass.
Former Student
Feb 17, 2022

Too many fights

The 2nd full week some kid got punched with a chair and 4 chairs before
Jun 23, 2021

Rolleston College

Whenever I had problems with my son the teachers have always made time to see me and discuss things and help our son. I really happy with the school and the staff work really hard and are amazing
May 16, 2021

Too modern

It’s good for some students but not for all. They’ve tried to reinvent the wheel and have modernised things that didn’t need changing. The schools focus is all kids passing not kids doing the best they can. It’s a good school for year nine and ten but once you get into NCEA they don’t know how to handle it. The school focuses mostly on sports and not on academics. It’s hard to get any recognition as a hard working student unless you join a school sports team.
Feb 17, 2021


Amazing school but not for some

Actually good school, i must admit that the learning style isn't for everyone, but personally i have found that at least majority of the teachers there have the students best interest at heart, they adpat different teaching styles to cater for each student.
Nov 15, 2020


Good school, has a modern way of doing things.
Oct 15, 2020

It’s okay

Not very good. Wouldn’t recommend. Edcucation system is wierd and not well run
Sep 30, 2020

Rolleston college

I do but like this school one but people smoke vape and have sexy in the toilets and don’t get in trouble but when your holding hand or hugging you do? They do not listen one bit don’t give a shit about how you feel you don’t learn anything they don’t care what you do or when you do it teaches have anger issues so over all not a good school it may work for some people but it doesn’t work for me so I strongly don’t recommend
Sep 19, 2020

Teach yourself fgt lmao

I had had to hunt down teachers for help with the mcat exam...
Showing 30 of total 32 reviews
631 Springston Rolleston Road, 7675, Rolleston
Rachel Skelton (Acting)
03 595 2490

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