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Föredetta elev
Nov 6, 2023

The people need work.

Wonderful facilities, mortifying people. The food, teachers and overall facilities (minus the actual boarding house which is in dire need of more renovations) are all very well equipped but it all falls flat with the people who attend. I can't speak for everyone but my experience was horrific. Not everyone is as understanding as they should be. If they spent less time worrying about the forks on the plate and more on the wellbeing of the social climate, it could be a really nice school. (this was written Nov 2023)
Aug 30, 2023

I hate it here

Terrible. Everything you own gets stolen, Girls are toxic, The boarding house is freezing cold and the uniform sucks.
Förälder / Vårdnadshavare
Jun 8, 2023

Absolutely ridiculous!!!

This "school" is not as wonderful as it claims to be. The school's teachers confiscate the student's earrings and personal belongings, the students are not allowed to wear the school's warm jackets inside because "it's not part of the uniform" same with their scarves. The punishments are way too harsh and completely out of order!!!!!!! The Deputy Principal got kicked out of the school's diversity club which came across to me as a very big shock to the system considering she is the Deputy Principle. This school is Homophobic and Racist and causes the students problems with their mental well-being. My daughter only recently started Iona College last year and since then there has just been one problem after another and the school is doing nothing and turning a blind eye to it which is absolutely unacceptable considering all the advertising and bragging this "school" does. They aren't what they claim to be. There is no structure to the school's rules and the punishment handouts are very biased I've even been notified by a few that have just seemed cruel. The rules change every day depending on the staff's mood and the girls are struggling to remember what is "right" and "wrong". There was an incident not that long ago with the school's security guards and the younger boarding students, which involved the security guard swearing at the girls over and over again all because they meowed out the window?! I personally was very unaware that this was a crime and that it was even happening as the school did not inform the boarding students' parents. I'm very upset about the inside information and secrets of this school. They set unrealistic expectations for some girls and make them feel as if they are going to go nowhere in life because they didn't receive the highest mark back possible after a test. I had my daughter on the phone sobbing and apologizing to me because she did not receive E+ and has been brainwashed into believing that without achieving these extremely high and demanding marks she is going to fail everything else she does?! This school tries to brainwash and manipulate the students and the ones who don't give in to them and keep a mind of their own are targeted among the school's teaching staff which was heartbreaking to find out. There are also students that have been and are being bullied by the staff members!?
Iona College you need to pull yourself together your a joke amongst the community, respect goes both ways.
Förälder / Vårdnadshavare
Jun 6, 2023

Student Wellbeing Deputy

The senior leadership team is horrible to work with, and Fiona Lamberton is not someone I like to deal with. It would be nice to have a deputy principal who is not negative 24/7 and treats the kids like dogs as appose to normal young girls.
Föredetta elev
May 24, 2022

wouldn't recommend

This is a very bad school the students get treated badly by the "senior leadership team" such as name calling and excessive punishment for simply just things kids do. They can't wrap there head around that there students are children not 40 year old women
Föredetta elev
Nov 3, 2021

My Experience

for the first year or so after I had started I found things to be alright but after a while things started going downhill. It started with general harassment from a single person who left soon after it had started. since then it has escalated to hundreds of dollars worth of things stolen or damaged by both staff and students, with no action taken at all by the school to amend things or fix them. overall this is not a school I would recommend to anyone.
Förälder / Vårdnadshavare
Nov 6, 2020

The truth of iona college

This school has a very bad principle and deputy principal and the way they treat and speak to the students is outrageous at this school you only really strive if your smart for people that are very smart they don’t get much help in boarding director of boarding is very nice but the bathrooms are terrible for the amount of money being paid into this school the girls are horrible and catty maybe just because it is a girls only school but I definitely would not recommend this school to anyone looking
Sep 22, 2020

Iona College

The school advertises themselves as a bully free school and a caring environment, it is neither of these things
42 Lucknow Road, 4130, Havelock North
Helen Armstrong
06 877 8149

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