
Based on 8 reviews and 65 answers
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Jul 22, 2024


Honestly amazed that suicide stats haven't gone up after children have attended here. If you don't want your kids on anti depressants for the rest of their life after being here Please dont send them . Bullying from students AND EVEN TEACHERS!! Place needs shut down
Nov 20, 2023


The school is good I love it the teachers are kind se of the food is cold but I still love the school....
May 23, 2023

Never go there

I am in ex student from that school when I was at haeata this teacher bullied this kid that was handicap and she treated us bad she was a racist person
Former Student
May 18, 2023


Absolutely traumatizing.
This school is appalling, I am an ex student and can confirm that the “learning” that goes on in this environment is not up to standard.
This school claims to be “very understanding of mental health” yet I was told to cover up my years old scars and told to “take a walk”. It is NOT an lgbtq friendly place as the students just bully you, I was called numerous slurs and profanities. The “learning” is sitting in a room with kids doing nothing just watching a youtube video on the tv. If you want a gist of this school I would read their infamous The safety in this school disgusted me, a student bringing a knife to their own school because they didn’t feel safe in it.
Mar 25, 2023


at the school over half the meal's are cold
Jan 31, 2023

Very accommodating!!

The school is very accommodating to lgbtq+ student and students with bad mental health.
Mar 9, 2021

Student at haeata.

Lack of staff to teach important subjects.

Was supposed to be progressive but when I was there the teachers they had weren't qualified to teach what the students wanted to learn. Virtually no science department, the music department was alright.
The services academy is great though.
Former Student
Feb 18, 2021

Don’t put your children in here !!

Personally I think the school failed when they switched from a alternative, to try be a conventional. The school was originally designed and opened to be a place where students could pick their own project and work on it, and teachers would assist that. However when they got a new principal, she tried changing it, and the teachers changed instead of asking questions to find out what was up, they just assumed which led to a lot of fights and students just not attending class. Because if they attended they’d leave feeling like shit. I’ve recently left because during the year I spent there I didn’t learn a single thing, And I would not recommend putting your children in this school. It’ll be alright from year 0-6 but as intermediate, and high school starts getting more important I wouldn’t recommend it as you don’t learn anything.
240 Breezes Road, 8061, Christchurch
Peggy Burrows
03 930 0110

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