
Based on 3 reviews and 27 answers
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Jun 23, 2024

Review from Student

From the outside this school looks great and i know that different year groups are better or worse but in my year group it is terrible. To start with there is a lot of bullying (especially verbally) and even when the teachers try to stop it it dosnt stop and once a teacher intervenes it often gets worse. Another reason is my year group is into sports a lot so we got a P.E. teacher as our dean and that means in general all the activities are very sporty and people that arnt as sporty are excluded. On Wednesdays the whole school also gets to finish at 2:30 so people can go to sports practices but for the people who arnt into sports as much and are on a bus we just have to wait around for half an hour. CSC is also trying something new where we have some hour long periods and some hour and a half long periods and no one enjoys the hour and a half long periods as we all zone out and learn nothing. Another experiment CSC is doing is that we all get to choose our subjects and the only subjects we have to do is 2 courses high in English and 2 high in Math's. However i find this a disadvantage because especially in English some courses that say they are high in English arnt and you dont learn anything to do with the original course explanation. So overall I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND YOU GO TO THIS SCHOOL UNLESS YOU ARE EXTREMELY INTO SPORTS.
Former Student
Feb 5, 2023

Nice college

The college is very well presented with a good range of subjects as a high decile school. As a previous student I know that things are going to change since I left but everything is well managed.
Sep 30, 2020


Moved here from James hargest after hargest didn't do anything about the abusive bullying I was getting. Best decision of my life. everyone is nice at csc, the teachers are amazing, my grades have gone up, bullying isn't tolerated, the deans and senior management are amazing. They have pride flags up in the library and a lgbt club for kids. there's a massive range of cultures and they are allowed to speak their own language without being told off. I genuinely can't recommend this school enough.
174 MacKenzie Street, 9720, Winton
Grant Dick
03 236 7646

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